Sales Effectiveness Manager’s Guide (Single User Subscription)


Built for sales managers and leaders by the staffing industry’s top sales leaders, Butler Street’s Sales Effectiveness eLearning and Manager Coaching Guide provides everything a manager needs to improve the sales skills and processes of their team with the coaching and guidance to help them become the only choice!

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Maximize the impact of sales coaching with Butler Street Sales Effectiveness Manager’s Guide!

Butler Street’s Sales Effectiveness Managers Guide provides clear guidance for strengthening and improving the skills & processes taught in Butler Street’s Sales Effectiveness learning courses.  

This program includes Butler Street’s Sales Effectiveness program and Manager’s Coaching Guide with course summaries, targeted questions for understanding, a coaching checklist, and associated role practice activities to use as your team progresses through the eLearning.

​Courses include interactive modules, coaching moments, supporting worksheets, and a variety of knowledge checks – all available 24/7 from a computer, tablet, or phone. Managers can monitor employee progress with reports and schedule coaching sessions to drive results with a roadmap to building high-performance teams.

Each subscription holder will receive an email with instructions for accessing the course modules within one business day of purchase. Each subscription has a timeframe of validity of 12 months from the date of enrollment.

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